Application software download list

Name Type Outline Download
Forest-N Viewer Viewer software for NM33, executable file for Windows PC
Software that sends commands to NM33 and outputs no-dewarped fisheye video (1536x1536), VGA and QGVA size dewarped video (partial enlargement, 180x2 panorama, 4-split, digital autopan, preset, etc.) from NM33.
It is an .exe file. After copying it to your PC, change the end of the extension to "e" and run it.
Forest-N.exe: 649 KB
Refinder Viewer to dewarp
no-dewarped image
Viewer software, executable file for Windows PC
Viewer software for later dewarp fisheye images recorded in NM33's LARGE mode
It is an .exe file. After copying it to your PC, change the end of the extension to "e" and run it.
Refinder.exe: 4,111 KB
OPT360Viewer Viewer for
network cameras
with fisheye dewarp
Viewer software for Windows PC. .zip compressed file
Viewer software with the ability to access network cameras and dewarp fisheye images.
The folder containing the .exe file is compressed with .zip.
After porting to your PC, unzip the .zip and run the .exe.
Depending on your environment, you may not be able to download .zip files.
In such a case, please contact your retailer to obtain it 15,131 KB
PLCViewer Viewer for
Car rooftop 360° camera
with dewarp, record, play function.
Viewer software for Windows PC. Executable file
You can partially enlarge the fisheye image from the camera, create a 180x2 panorama, rotate it, and record and play back videos and still images.
It is an .exe file. After copying it to your PC, change the end of the extension to "e" and run it.
PLCViewer.exe: 913 KB

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